Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by strongARM
Originally Posted by Anonymous
This is why people outside of Long Island think we are assholes. We can't even support our own. Every other region uses social media to promote their succes on Twitter, Facebook, and websites. We can't even do this. That's why we are divided and losing the hold we had on lacrosse for so many years. Other areas work to promote success of their players and all we do is knock each other. We are divided by our egos and inability to be happy for other people.

Not true- the reason LI sucks compared to what it was is that there's only one powerhouse team and everyone plays into it... including the teams that were powerhouses at some point... they seam to have willingly folded up the idea of being good vs just collecting money adding more and more teams, etc.

There are 4-5 MD powerhouses, and 1 one on LI. The success of these teams has nothing to do with social media...

You are so wrong. We have plenty of talent yet all we do is try and belittle others success. We do not have a united front or spokesman. Long Island has a lot of strong teams and they are for different programs. To say one program has all the best teams is ludicrous. It's also cyclical certain programs have strength at different times. Come on look at the Philly area and how they promote their players. We can't even have people say where they are committed without the BS that follows.

Name on grade from 2022 and up where any club on LI other than YJ has the strongest team. With the exception of TG 2020 two years ago, name one team on the island that has been better than YJ in last 4 years.

I'm COMPLETELY NOT a YJ parent... and never will be... and yet I agree with that completely.
All the silly chest puffing by the YJ parents (LOSERS) aside, it is a fact... LI parents have fed into a system rather than bucking it--- and the result is just this- ONE bad [lacrosse] team, the others so so (at least in comparison). Does someone really think that Elevate, TG, Liberty or Leeeeeg top 20 girls in each age group are beating YJ straight up in games? Any given Sunday perhaps, but if they played 10 games, YJ is winning 9 of them.