Originally Posted by Anonymous
Killing PAL does not make us better. It helps the haves and kills the have nots. Is our goal to offer Lax to young girls to play a sport, learn team work, life lessons, etc pre 8th grade. or is it to have a club play together year round so they can better compete with Md in an elite club setting? I see PAL and SCGL getting a bad rap. It is what it is. Town teams.

"If we can cull the sport of the girls that can't catch and throw in 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th grade we could be a lot better when we compete with MD during the summer. That would be great." hmmmm.

That is a very short sighted view. There is still rec lacrosse in MD. Most girls still play for their local rec council up until 6th grade or so. At that point, the better girls move to club and all girls can also play for their school. While I agree that the clubs have hurt the middle school rec leagues, it's not like all the kids don't have a place to play.