Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
YJ 2022 Harney 8-0 in last two tournaments' pool play at ND and LFTC. Not too shabby. Pretty good for a B team with a large roster.

You still have a shot at the A teams every tournament in playoffs. What is teams record in playoffs? Every tournament has a different bracket theory, some put all top teams in one bracket and whoever emerges is easily taking the tournament, some spread a top team or two with weaker teams and the better teams play in playoffs, but shorter games typically. You actually have a much easier path to the finals in most tournaments playing in the lower pools. If your team manages to win a tournament or two by beating A teams in the final, then the discussion of being in a A bracket can begin. I wouldn't be looking to jump headlong into top pool at a top tournament. Going 0-8 gets people on the threads as well, just singing a different tune. Your A team is losing pool games in the top bracket, is this team as good or better?

Didn't make playoffs in Ocean City
1-1 at National Draw - lost to YJ 2022 Russell 7-6 in Finals
0-1 at Lax for the Cure - lost to MD Black 2022 who lost to YJ Russell

I would say they are below Russell's YJ 2022 A team and M&D Black 2022- one or two player difference. A very solid B team who could beat many A teams, just not YJ and M&D. Summer isn't over yet, though.

Sounds like a very solid team nipping on the heels of the top team. Normally you would not see the talent distributed rather evenly between the A and B teams. At some point the best players will be brought to top team and some dropped down. At that point you will see the two teams diverge in competitiveness.