Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I don't know this to be fact, but with only 1 2027 making it last year, perhaps AA wanted to make sure they took some 2028s to prevent a mass flow of that grad year and next to AS tryouts instead?

I wouldn't be shocked if they made rising freshman its own team going forward for upcoming years.

Other regions had quite a few more 2027s last year than MD's 1, so would make sense if they were trying to be a little more consistent. Though 5 out of 24 isn't exactly a lot. But looks like a lot of names on AA for 2027 this year were on AS last year, so for now, looks like flow is going in both directions.

To be fair, the MD AA team last year was pretty loaded across the board. They rolled thru the tournament and went undefeated to win it. The 27 who made it was talented, but didn't seem to be on the field much. Maybe the team was just really good and it was hard for any 27s to make it? Other regions were obviously not as good, so their 27s had more opportunity?

Truth is the other regions send their top players to AS instead of AA! Almost whole club teams playing for Upstate , LI, Conny and Jersey ! Md talent is too split up.