[quote=Anonymous]Get YOUR information straight you lost the first game 9-8 to Fairfield (anyone can see in the app), hence the LOSERS bracket is where you ended up (where you guys belong, not b/c of your kids b/c of your coaches). You went 1-2 get the facts straight.[/quote)
Daniello gave fairfield the win in a lopsided loss, however, kept Greeley in winners bracket and did not disqualify the team. If they were in the losers bracket, they would not have played Docs, the eventual tournament winner. For what it is worth.. those are the facts. Again, the particular player in questions, plays for the team, they didn't bring in a ringer for one tournament. That is why there were not disqualified. Can we all move on now and stop talking about youth lacrosse, its youth lacrosse. Pretty good games on tap with beautiful weather FINALLY!