Originally Posted by Anonymous
It's true that this has been the SW model for years. But it's not working anymore for "massive development". Several of the girls that played up on SW26 tried to leave for M&D and didn't make it. The one that did amek it took the M&D spot and left. This model worked well for a long time when there was always a line of good players coming in push the weaker ones down to the white team. WIth the club that shall go unnamed taking over the SW spot, this is no longer the case. The strong players don't come in middle school anymore, and the original strong girls leave.

So your argument is that SW is bad because ALL the girls playing up on 26 couldn't make M&D 2027 Black? They're probably the best team in the nation, it's not like that's easy to do. I'm sure they could have made many other teams. Also, this whole conversation started because a girl playing up on the SW 2028 team just waltzed onto Heros, the best 2029 team around, midseason. So your argument kind of falls apart.