Originally Posted by Anonymous
Who cares? You are ALL losing site of what is important. Both sides sound rediculous! Maybe the adults should be looking to the kids as an example of how to act. Instead of arguing about which team is the best, you should have been paying attention to your kids. Yes, remember them? They were the ones out on the beach, in the pool, on the field, at the resteraunts, and guess what? They were all enjoying their time together! YES believe it or not both Smash kids and United kids were all having fun TOGETHER!! The parents here are the real issue. This is YOUTH lacrosse guys, come on, really!? These boys for the most part will continue to grow and play together for years to come regardless of what teams they play on. IF we are lucky enough. Let me put things in perspective for you ALL. They are KIDS!! If we are lucky the will grow to be HEALTHY, young men. Here are some names I know many of you have heard of, Nick Colleluori, Nate Greenberg, Thomas Napoli, Wyatt Klute, Steven Bartlett. If you don't know who they are look them up. Every day is a gift! Do you think it's important to their parents what youth lacrosse team they played on? Give it a rest! The things being said on here are disgusting. Look, we all watched this weekend, and ALL the kids played hard. Its the adults that are obsessing about it. The kids forgot about it the minute they stepped off the field and onto the beach. How about saying something positive once in a while. It looks pathetic for adults to feel better about themselves by putting down kids. Lead by example!

Well stated.