Originally Posted by Anonymous
So…… how did tryouts go in the DMV?

Ok folks here is the inside scoop! The BLC daddy coaches left BLC due to the fact that after 7th grade they will not be able to coach there boys. NL has a huge problem developing talent and jumped at the chance of having a great team join the club. The BLC daddy coaches will be bring over and have guaranteed spots to their top 3 attackmen, top 6 mids, top 3 defensemen and their goalie. LSM is a need and possibly a Defensemen. With that being said...... Good Luck! If you barely saw the field on the original NL team don't waste your time. If you were a starter on the original NL team you will not see the field as much as you once did. If you play a position were the BLC daddy coaches sons play at, then you will not see the field. Welcome to Travel Club Lacrosse!!!