Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]I have no clue who you're talking about ....I was talking about LI Express. And yes they have a lot of reclassed kids and holdbacks on their 2027 AA team . As far as this person you speak of I have no idea who that is
Please learn how to post your nonsense inline with the thread then. Or go to the 2027 page and rant about LIE thereā€¦..though I imagine after I send this and check that page Ill see your handy work all over the place. Your poor kid. Keep telling him its the evil holdbacks. Excuses will get him farther than action.

Last I checked this is a reclass thread . Pointing out the worst offenders is relevant to anyone that can read and comprehend properly.
Ok thats fine but again learn what a thread is. The question and topic was specific about a person. Your response was about LIE being an offender. Totally different topics in one forum. Randomly spewing detest about LIE only shows you didnt make the cut. You should have reclassed but that likely would have made you a double holdback.
But is there something wrong with stating the facts as it pertains to the threads? Shouldn't people be aware of the offenders so they know what they are getting themselves into? thats really the point of the forum, unless its only for spreading fake news and praising the 91's and LIE teams. Oh I forgot unless you play for these teams your child is worthless in the lacrosse world. And yes my child did make both orgs but chose a different path so save your nonsense for someone else who will buy into it
Re: Age and Reclassification. The good the bad the ugly!
Sounds like from peoples experience LIE falls into the ugly as it pertains to the thread topic
But then again thankfully LI offers many choices when it comes to youth LAX
Not at all but responding to a discussion about a person with specifics of a team makes no sense. Now, if you had put it in the thread about the reclass teams that would have made sense. See multiple threads in one forum to drive discussion around specifics. Youre like the guy that just posts Its a good day to be a Outlaw. Though it is a board about lacrosse the post in context is nonsense.
A couple of quick excerpts from your post sum you up and they would be "I have no clue" and "I have no idea"
By your own admission you have no idea whats going on so Ill just stop there and agree with you that LIE is a bunch of reclasses (thanks to the sensical poster that clarified this.)
Making the team and being asked to be on the team are two different things. Whatever your other path, I hope you let your kid enjoy some lax and stop blaming others for anything. The detest will eat you up.

"And yes my child did make".... maybe brush up on your reading comprehension your anger is getting the best of you.. And thank you for your concern my child is very much so enjoying the path chosen ,the experience and learning the game and loving it and is not worried about the nonsense... I never blamed anyone .. we all have to live with our own choices no need to be angry over facts and your misunderstanding of the discussion.