Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
As a parent with an older child who was in the program avoid at all costs. Despite having the best possible coaches we could the club lacks resources and doesn’t invest in the girls despite whatever graphics they cook up to say otherwise.

Not sure how I ended up on a thread for this age group but hoping to shed some light. My daughter was also at one of the clubs mentioned above as being more of a boys club with new things to come for the girls. We left in 8th grade and it was the best decision we could have made. We didnt realize the grass really was greener until the jump. At this age, keep your kid where theyre happy. As they get older and they decide if this is a long term goal for them, then kids will jump. It's been this way for many many years.

We all agree about 91’s past. Anyone there now will tell you they feel it has changed on the girls side. And there are female coaches on every team FYI. If in 2 years it all falls apart then so be it- you YJ lovers were right and we were wrong.