Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
91 Roar team playing up in Fall Classic this weekend. Going to be interesting to see how bad they beat those 2028 teams

Cmon.... the only thing you will see is 4 grown, over-caffeinated (i hope) men, running up and down the sidelines yelling nonsense at the girls playing. Embarrassing.

A year ago they beat my daughter's yellow jackets team Friedman by 1 goal lol....now all of a sudden they're playing up ? Lol what a joke you 91 parents are for beleiving you're playing good teams and that you're really just that good . You're not that special . Go to the big tournaments before you start talking smack ....then do some talking .

91s younger teams are way better than the older. The older ones are no good at all. Parents bying into the spallina gme at this young age.