Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Whenever fca loses it is an excuse. They were missing 3 kids only. Tomahawks beat theme. Just once admit you can lose to a good team fca. Unbelievable how you make excuses.

Yep, NHT beat FCA this fall on a day when we were missing kids due to football (for the record it was more than 3) and the rest of our kids played horribly. You deserved to win that game but we can't until the summer. See you on the sidelines!

In other words FCA was missing most or all of their holdbacks. Do I have that right? I believe I do. I believe that is what you are trying to say, but don't have the courage to say it. FCA is quickly catching up to Crabs as the king/leader in holdbacks. So much for a Christian attitude, it really doesn't belong in your name. The C in FCA would be better at Cheating than Christian.

Nothing un-Christian about admitting defeat and inviting competition. As Proverbs 27:17 says, "as iron sharpens iron so one person sharpens another." Game on!