Being the father of a committed freshman whose son has been brought up to play varsity, I find it comical the comments that follow this thread. Its not rocket science. There are teams on Long Island that are powerhouses with committed kids at every grade and incredibly talented players that are not committed ahead of these freshman. For the kids who play on teams that are not as deep they are give the unique opportunity to contribute at the varsity level. For those that attend schools loaded with talent, patience is a virtue and the fact of the matter is that all teams need to win. If the these talented freshman will help their program I'm certain the coach will find ways to get them there to achieve that goal.
We all know who those fathers are being mentioned in these threads and what school it is. Their track record of sidelines antics follows them. Its really too bad their kids have to deal with the fallout. Kudos to the coach for doing his job.
Good luck to all this season. May it be a successful and healthy season for all the boys.