I would be cautious about what you say about people. Your inference is defaming in character. Careful of what? Since you hide behind your computer and have posted this in two different places you surely feel strongly, so have at it. Be an adult, use your name, it might lend a shred of credibility to your attempt to assassinate the character of an owner of an organization. Which one of them are you referring to exactly? Without that you are just another hack, whose kid suffers because of his parents, I feel bad for him to have to live out his life with a coward as a parent.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
The only person on the coaching staff or ownership staff with legitimate lax experience is Taylor....All of the others are WHO??? Ask around around about 1 of the owners before committing to this club....Be careful.....
Whoever asked about the size of the boys...great question...Can I have a birth certificate check please????....
I guess its only about the $$$$$$.....