Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
We made the move due to the fact my son was suffering academically. He was immature in that respect. Sure he benefited to some extent athletically, but as I also mentioned, he is small for his age so I don't see the problem. I am not making excuses. I am secure in the decisions we made to help our son. To brush this picture in broads strokes makes no sense and to attack from behind a keyboard shows cowardice.

Well I would be glad to confront any parent with a hold back son. But no one puts the ages out for anyone to see. So unless someone does a straw poll on the sidelines at a game we never all know for sure. I think most of us would really prefer that there was some kinda rule so you could not cheat. Because if you are on my sons team me calling you a punk to your face would only make for a long year.

You sound very tough. I am the parents of the boys on your son's team are thrilled to have you on the sidelines. More than holdbacks, it is idiot parents like yourself that is ruining the game. I am sure you are the guy with the red solo cup yelling on the sidelines. I feel for your son and anyone that has to put up with your behavior consistently.