Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]Probably an MD United follower. They're apparently the last team that had the Kryptonite, beating M&D in the Fall Uprising in 2014

Pretty sure that M&D lost in the summer of 2015. And more than once.

Pretty sure you are wrong. M&D lost one game to YJ by one goal at Lax for the Cure. That's it. Won every other tournament they played in as well as the MD Club spring league.

Actually MD beat YJ twice and they lost to YJ three times and tied once last year if you want to be accurate. Our greatest competition by far is MD. look forward to every game. This year should be just as competitive, Our tournament schedule came out today, we will see them 3 times this year we hope, But we are not doing the Towson camp again and not going to Ocean City either. Too far for 20 minute games I am assuming.

I do want to be accurate. M&D won every tournament that they played in other than Lax for the Cure. They lost to YJ there by a goal. What were the other 2 wins you are claiming this year? I assume you are counting the game at camp that was not attended by all players and where the teams weren't coached by their own coaches? If you want to claim that one ok, but what was the third one? M&D could count the win at Young Guns this fall where they blew out YJ but that would be unfair. Just curious where you are coming up with 3 wins over M&D this year.

Yeah agree with you, don't know where the third win came from either???? At the end of the day, these teams only played each other in two tournaments that had their respective club send them to, all others were optional showings. Split the summer tournaments 1-1.
I made a post that wasn't meant to set off a YJ vs MD argument, was more interested in the MD united claims of having beat m&d black, which I now believe is put to rest.