Ok, so my daughter plays with this 8th grader who has committed. Nice kid, nice family, kid works like a dog on and off field. My daughter trains with her as well so I see first hand what she does and doesn't do. My 2018 is a good player, not yet committed. If she put half the time in this 2020 does, she would be though.
Amazing to me that people who do not know this kid make comments and judgements about this decision or the process. Most kids don't know what they want to do with their lives, heck I am 52 and am still trying to figure it out. This young lady does and has worked to make it come to a reality for her.
So instead of criticism why not try and respond the way my 14 year daughter did when I told her the news, "Oh my gosh! That's amazing! I am thrilled for her!" Not the response even I had predicted, but had hoped she would say. Be happy for what someone has achieved not criticize because you or your child hasn't reached the same levels yet or ever will.
Happy I live in Florida and don't deal with type of mumbo jumbo on a regular basis. There has to be something else you guys need to do....like wall ball!