Originally Posted by Anonymous
85% of D1 coaches want it to go back to Juniors. Great quote on how are coaches supposed to project out someone's ability 7 years in advance? Another great quote on PARENTS are picking the schools for 13 and 14 year olds not the students.

And the tournament circuit already doing damage control by saying even if its not a recruiting tournament anymore you should still fly across the country to participate LOL

Wait for the spin from the club directors. Its a HUGE BUSINESS, NO ONE IS GOING TO GO QUIETLY!

Selfishly I just want to beat down the crazies at the younger ages and keep more girls playing until 11th or 12th. The crazies are pushing good kids out too young

Couldn't agree more. The tourney and team operators are going to spin this like nuts. And the JOs who guzzle that koolaid will continue to do so.