Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The post referring to Top 20 academics instead of Ivies is confusing. The Ivy schools all rank in the Top 20. Otherwise, if a lacrosse school you’re referring to Georgetown, JHU, Duke, UNC and ND. Lehigh and Lafayette are there as well. Pretty sure the student body at all those schools is the same, wealthy white kids from homogeneous neighborhoods. Basically Ivy’s.

Hopkins 31 percent white. Brown 41 percent white. All Ivy League schools under 50 percent white. Nothing wrong with that. In fact it is great that schools are more diverse. You are just incorrect with your post. Have to be more careful what you say. That is why people should not listen to 90 percent of what they read here. Everyone do your own homework and choose a school.

Interesting post. The US population is over 60% white. That puts white students at the above schools in the under represented column. To right the wrongs of the past these schools have now essentially become systemically racist against white students. Which seems to be completely acceptable and even revered in academia today. I think if the poster dug a little deeper on the said demographics of these schools they would find a majority of the athletes at these schools are white students. It has become one of the few ways for white students to gain entry into these schools. Extremely difficult for a non-athlete white student, particularly male, even with the highest of grades and HS accolades to gain admission to these schools. It's another reason why many of these schools are eliminating sports teams, mostly on the men's side.