My daughter is a committed player to a D1 team, that did not play for T.G. or Y.J. As a matter of fact, probably the best 2014 player played for the Wave (K.M.). The point of this is fairly simple, and probably not what S.S or C.R. want any of you younger age group parents to know, It does not matter what travel club your daughter plays on, or on what color, or level,or initial comes after that club teams name. If your daughter is a good player, coaches will take her but it takes a lot of effort on the parents and players. The player must write letters to coaches and know at least 10 schools she wants to play for. The parents have to know to send the players to those camps early ( 7th or 8TH grade). Yes the college coaches will line the fields in June and July, but what they really want is to see how coachable your kid is at their camp, under their terms. So there is the secret, that is what you pay C.R. and S.S. extra for. Truth is just because you play on Black or blue or lavender means nothing, if your kid fits, she goes. One last word of advice, and for some of you parents this will be impossible for you to fix.If the parent is overbearing, obnoxious, loud on the sideline, or abusive, no matter how good your kid is, coaches will pass her by. Find some nice kids and parents that you and your daughter enjoy being around and have fun at tournament, and send your kid to camps. That will be $1,500.00 I'll be expecting checks from all of you L.O.L