Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Original question seemed more specific to 2023 and what kids should do if they make the Express B team. Had to have been more than 25 good kids at the tryout and so they won't make the A team. What's the attraction of Express B vs. Outlaws, Igloo, True Blue, Jesters, etc. A teams at this age? Won't these kids get better coaching/attention if they are on the A team at another organization? How can Express keep those kids instead of them going to another established club?

If my son didn't make a particular clubs A team, I would look for another clubs A roster that he could make. Even if a kid doesn't make the TOP rated club, if he plays against that team, he and all of his teammates will be challenged.
And if he wasn't good enough to make an A roster, I wouldn't bother with any Club B teams. PAL Travel and clinics would be a better way to spend the time and money.

If you are in a good to decent lacrosse town, then I think you are right on. The problem is for the kids from towns that don't have solid PAL programs.