Originally Posted by Anonymous
Why should the B team not be in B brackets? Maybe they are happy on a B team? Not an Express parent but Im not sure why this is an issue. The A team plays in A bracket- B team on B bracket. If this team is closer to home than others- it is still a good fit if the boys are happy. Maybe I've missed something in the threads, possibly some getting no playing time, abusive coach, no practice etc. if none of these are true- then it seems like kids that are not quite at the A level are having a good experience at a B team and maybe will have a better experience next summer if they actually stay in B brackets. Nothing to be ashamed of.

Express and 91 sell the fact that their B teams are better than most groups A teams. It is still true at 91 in most grades. It is not true at Express anymore. Of course there is no shame in being in a B team or playing in B brackets. As long as they tell you that going in.