Dont assume that the refered 91 teams or team your talking about will take outside players , we had been on 91 a couple of years now playing for the 2017 orange team and a complete turn key team came on board last season along with the 2016, and we did not have a shot at getting on that team which apparently plays all year round together . They are a good team no doubt , but would be very suprised if they took outsude players on either teams .

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Some talk on our daughters team ( no team specifics but part of one of the 2 mentioned ) is that a few are trying out for a particular 91 team that has been formed for some time and has been very competitive this summer. Not going to say they are part of the top percentile of players but sounds tempting enough to give it a try from what they are saying .
But is it true about YJ being purchase by 91?

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Alright summer ball is over, I have heard dozens of YJ parents swear they are leaving for TG's and dozens of TG parents leaving for YJ. Having multiple girls playing for years now I seen this phenomenon every year peaking right about now. Some thoughts on the process... The move is much easier for a YJ player to do. TG is at a distinct disadvantage, YJ girls can easily try out for TG and see if the can move from top team YJ to top team TG or even 2nd team YJ to top team TG. No harm at all in trying. Not the case at all the other way around unless you want to walk away from your deposit by the time YJ tryouts come around. Kinda feels like cheesy extortion.