Your missing the point. There are bad PARENTS on all sides and organizations and for you to keep carrying on proves your just one of those parents. I never stated the Jester parent was right but the fact I just typed PARENTS 3 times proves this sport at the youth level has become more about the Parents than the kids. The points made were more about bashing organization, who is a B, B+, A, who needs to fulfill their own self bravado through what team they play on. Can you just drop who said what and what right or wrong score was posted. Who played up or down - who really cares. This is 4th and 5th grade lacrosse. I played for Hopkins many years ago, is my kid better than yours, I have no idea and don't care, does my kids play for 91, Express or Igloo no and I don't care- what I know is what it takes to get from point A to Z and i can guarentee one thing - it doesn't mean a dame thing what team they play on in 5th grade which is D in the big scheme or things or how many wins they get. All that does is pad the pockets of the clubs. So, why don't we all just remember where the parents and the kids play the game and considering we are al from Long Island and we want the best to still come from this small swatch of land why can we support each other than kill each other? Your choice...Tell you son good luck this year, play, practive and study hard...