Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I have been on the sideline for many SS games that BS was in attendance, don't know if he ever missed any game she played. And your right, he was your typical loud, obnoxious lacrosse parent, a typical YJ parent. No better and no worse than all the rest.This would be a great sport if we could rid of the parents.


Maybe this explains why the TG parets are the way they are..... If the people leading the club have these behavioral traits, then they are encouraging the club parents to do the same. What a shame. There are other clubs out there that dont condone these actions.

The bad parental behavior is not because of any club's directors. It starts way before that, and it's in every club, and every town. Some are worse than others, but it's everywhere. By the way, BS might get worked up on the sidelines once in a while, but he blasts parents for bad behavior, he doesn't condone it. He sent an email once telling parents to shut their mouths...that's not condoning it. It's the old "do as I say, not as I do".