Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Huge difference here....When you are in a public school district you don't sign up for parent coach that coaches varsity age players on a club team that also play on the varsity team HUGE conflict of interest there I heard MHS had an issue with prior coach with this situation they got rid of him irony the next MHS AD went on to hire a parent coach this season who coaches varsity age players on a club team that play for MHS varsity . Club coaches are paid by lacrosse clubs to coach which makes this even more questionable... Catholics/Privates you have a choice for your son/daughter to attend or not and put up with the politics there but now its invading the public schools its very alarming and unethical
MHS isn't the only coach who coaches/owns a club team and coaches varsity. Look a little further East.

I think you are missing one important point. The reason why dad coaches are starting to creep into high school ball is because guess what…….no one wants the job. These positions have become year round commitments. So who wants to work all year round (including summer) for 8-10k? Then add in the psycho parents emailing the AD and Superintendent complaining about the coach when their kid doesn’t play. When we asked our AD about the hiring of a dad coach he simply said…..he’s the only one who applied. If you don’t like a dad coach then go get me a qualified name. Oh and that 10k is also taxed. After it’s all said and done the coach probably makes 10 cents an hour. I’m not defending it but who is going to take that job if you don’t have your kid on the team ?