I think this is just the exact problem with club lacrosse in general. Its the wild west as it relates to rules in general and rules enforcement and consistency and often makes these events and youth lacrosse in general look silly compared to other sports that do a much better job overall. That's a comment not specific to this age group or this tournament, but an overall one. Anyone with boys that have already been through the process end to end would probably acknowledge this reality.

The one comment that bothers me is about the individual. Its nice for the kid to be able to play with his long time teammates and congrats to him for being a good player and person, but that should have no bearing on the decision and application of this long standing and very well known 100 mile rule for this event. These types of decisions regardless of justification just diminish credibility and that happens so often that we get to the point that rules appear meaningless sadly. well, rant over.

Good luck to all this summer and I hope everyone's kids have fun and get better. That's more important than the adult led rule breaking non-sense anyway.