Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
This is a good question, but got ignored by all the drama. Any thoughts here?

I think it is more to do that a majority of the stars of that final 4 team are no longer in CP, and that the 2023 team lost 7 times and lost in the 2nd round of the NCAAs. Couple that with down (for Maryland) recruiting classes, there is reason for concern.

Compare that to UNC who also had a down year (for UNC), they lost 5 games, but went a round longer in the NCAAs and have year-over-year of stacked recruiting classes.

OH def cause for concern at MD but they can right the ship. The 5th yrs and 6th yrs are very good and I think they have a better roster than last year. Bosco will be a hole, Ball certainly top DEF in conference.