Originally Posted by Anonymous
This is by far my favorite thread on this site…”holdbacks” where the high and mighty purists of the age appropriate debate the morally bankrupt from the “reclassified”. I’ll fill you guys in on a little secret, this phenomenon is prevalent in many other sports, not just lax “Bro”. But I’ve never heard people itch and moan about it nearly as much as I do in this sport. I have 3 boys, all are 3 sport athletes so we see it everywhere, 2 of the 3 we held back in pre-K before we even knew what sports they’d play or even considered any advantage it would give them. Does that make me more or less of a laxer than a parent that holds a kid back in 5th or 6th grade? Either way it comes down to this, do it or don’t but know that no one cares about your ethics or justifications. Both arguments are not a good look and you most likely come off as a tremendous “wussy”

What other youth sports in MD are grade based? Which leagues?

Almost all are age-based. Lacrosse is the outlier.