Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
If you get the opportunity, take a look at Quint's column on InsdeLacrosse.com Speaks of how truly messed up the club youth culture is. Orange Crush or Express or any other "elite" team

Could not agree more. This link should be posted in every discussion thread in this forum

Great article, but there are a few things in the article I disagree with. He was clearly commenting on one practice for one club team that he happened to be watching. That doesnt mean there arent club teams out there that have outstanding coaches and that generally care about their kids. Although he makes several valid points throughout the article and while it is definitely thought provoking, there are several statements he makes that are silly. To say a kid would be better off playing wall ball is simply ridiculous. The club experience can be a great experience if you are on the right team with the right coaches. Are there club teams out there that are a straight money grab? Absolutely! My son is a 2017 player and is on a very good 2017 team and we have played some absolutely horrific club teams which makes you wonder and validates some of the points that Quint was making. The tone of the article was how out of control the club lacrosse scene has become, which I do somewhat agree with. However, making blanket statements without all the facts is irresponsible on his part. Not every kid can attend Boys Latin or Gilman, so for some club lacrosse is a great outlet and a way to get on track for college lacrosse. Its all about the right situation for you child, its up to the parents to make sure you put your child in the right situation to help him succeed. There are good and bad lacrosse clubs out there just like everything else. Quint has to be careful with that broad brush he paints with.