Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Seems like a lot of Express parents making excuses for one of their own. If you don't think that we as parents are representing the club that we pay to be a part of at large events like this, you're kidding yourself.

I agree with you 100%. The parents are just making excuses. These are the same parents that dog WP for leaving a tournament after loosing a game calling it bad sportsman ship.

I believe as one of the oldest travel organization around they keepers of the game and have an obligation to make a statement in support. This is not about if they did something wrong as an organization or not it's simply about equity and empathy. The organization could have chosen to be an Allie but showed us who they are and stayed silent.

I agree 100%. It's a message that needs to be sent. Better late than never!

Baloney. You’re the same person. Very sad to watch you continuously bring this up. Your fight is elsewhere…not with express. Also probably not with the woman who asked you or your friend to nicely get up so the kids could eat.

You clearly have an ax to grind and no one here is biting. Only thing you have achieved is that you’re an annoying person. I bet you weren’t invited to birthday parties as a kid and pushed to hard to be accepted. Just relax and you will see that doors open up for you. Good luck.
Dude, read your own post you sound just like the kind of people the person is discussing, you didn't invite people to your birthday party because they didn't fit in and when the tried to assimilate to be accepted you excluded them for trying to hard. That looks like you just have something against someone that will never change no matter they do. Then you try to bully them and expect them to let you do it. Then ehine when they don't. This is a Lacrosse forum anyone who has played this game, especially in the past before the body checking rules changed is very likely not a dude that will back down or be bullied.