Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
SPSG are the only one’s bringing college freshman to play in a high school tournament were most are not even bring their top players

This is just not true at all. There are several teams with seniors on their rosters. And it's a high school national championship tournament. Why wouldn't schools be bringing their top players?

How is it a national tournament when 8 of 12 teams come from the same conference? 10 of 12 from the state of Maryland. Get real.

Even if it's a regional tournament why wouldn't schools send their top players as claimed above? Why enter if you aren't trying to win? Not sure why SPSG is being singled out. My daughter goes to Stone Ridge and we have several seniors playing as well. The girls are close and love playing together and it's one more chance to do that.
Some schools just do the right thing and some have to win at every cost. SPSG is the new McD. Stone Ridge must want to be the DC version of SPSG

Maybe, just maybe your kid will get better or motivated or both with seniors from her school playing.