Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Syracuse needs to drop out of the top 5. Northwestern is the clear #2 and might be number one. NW has the best player in the country, UNC has the next 2. Big drop off after that.
NU plays in a pretty tame conference. Not like ACC
Scane can score goals but does she do anything else? Does she make players around her better. Thats what makes you #1

Yeah, OK...
Ok so if its all about scoring goals why didn't Olhmiller win? Or why didn't Murphy make final 5?

Because you have to perform consistently while playing a tough schedule, while also playing for a Top Team... Final Four / National Championship Caliber Team. 17 of the 19 Winners played for ACC or Big 10 Teams (current conference alignment). One player from Georgetown and One from Princeton.

Sorry but if the player is not competing against tough teams the numbers are discounted.