Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Agreed .....by now they should be able to see who belongs on each team . Let these kids practice with who they will be playing with so they can get the chemistry going . Will only make them stronger as a team if they practice as a team .

100% agree

Do you think we will lose again this year to the Hawks, LXC, Tigers, BBL, FCA? Do we have a chance against Sweetlax, Eclipse, Edge, Tommy Knockers, Cannons when we play them?

The post confirms exactly how much room we own in your tiny head Hawks dad. Let's compare rosters and birth dates. If we combined 25's & 26's like your teams do our boys would smoke yours.

Hawks claim to be playing in the WSYL. If so I guess we'll see who their holdbacks are.
