Originally Posted by Anonymous
Tournaments are posted..That's great. Some guy also posted that he found magic lax beans and planted them to grow a beanstalk to Laxland.... Just because they post it means nothing. They want your money and are praying they can play....but seeing how youth sports is Stage 4, we all know that isnt happening. They are trying to give the gullible hope where none exists...

Delaware: 2 comments: First, you think DE wants NY and NJ residents coming to their state when both states are COVID hotbeds? No chance. They will block that. Would you want a leper coming into your house? Next.....

Hotels: Where would everyone stay? Hotels have a mandated 24 hr room vacancy rule before they can even clean the room nonetheless turn it over to the next renter. NO way hotels can honor that. Is everyone going to sleep on the fields under their custom team tents? Wake up man....

Then again, the clubs may push for that so they can up-charge you a "lodging fee". All the above being said, why the heck would anyone want to subject their kids and those around them to a meaningless lax tournament, out of state no less, just for a t shirt? Embarassing playa.........

Clubs have been rescheduling tournaments for weeks. First it was "zoom," now some clubs came out modified/restrictive practice schedules incorporating social distancing. Not worth it to me. Came to accept the fact club will not refund me anything. Decided to move on until the fall.