Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
So delightful to wake up to an auto generated email letting me know my last payment is due.
I think I enjoyed this more than the email asking for votes for their alumni.
Other than the last payment originally being delayed, it has been radio silence.

Yup just bad optics. They need to address this last payment as soon as possible.

7 weeks in and now they do a food drive? I guess better than nothing.

ZERO info on how to help to get recruited by colleges in light for all that is going on. ZERO tips on what to do.

Over $3,000 for HS aged player, and all we may get was a Fall season and 80% of a uniform? Watch Coach C toss together a few play days for the boys and call it even!

If they are looking for families to support them, they should have fostered a better relationship with families from the start. To the club its been always about the money and now the families are saying the same thing.

Hope they do the right thing!

I followed up my email with a voice message, insisting they (Express) send me something in writing what we will receive in return for the final payment by close of business Monday. If not, I will not release final payment. It's only business, nothing personal.

Curious as to how you're going about that. Are you contacting your credit card directly?

Call your card in as missing, they will issue new number and now you are in the driver’s seat!