Originally Posted by Anonymous
CR is more powerful and richer than 90% of college coaches. She controls the largest club and the biggest tournament circuit. At her peak I think she had her hands in on 8 tournaments a year. My problem is its a double tax. She charges to play YJ's and then she charges full price to her teams to play in her tournaments and nobody has a choice. The lacrosse model is and remains broken. US Lax is a joke. The clubs run the college coaches and the sport

not anymore, with the new recruiting rules the colleges are running camps/clinics all year round, raking in all sorts of cash and making the clubs much less relevant. If you want to get a good look that's the way to go, you can be the greatest player in the world and play on a team of ball hogs and never get noticed at a tournament, but that won't happen at a camp/clinic, for better or worse the college coaches get a real good look at you. Playing club ball before 7th-8th grade has now become nothing more than a reason for mom and dad to brag to friends and family, there is no value. Find Danowski or Starsia utube video where they say as much