The financial services industry includes accounting, insurance, credit cards, credit unions, banks, credit-card companies, insurance companies, accountancy companies, consumer-finance companies, and yes, stock brokerages and investment funds. Yet, you are portraying the workers of an entire industry on an outdated stereotype of a small sliver of workers from just two of these eleven types of firms?? That's some pretty good intellect you've showing there - what schools did you attend that imparted such strong critical thinking skills to allow you to arrive at this conclusion??![/quote]

Keep defending yourself I'll keep commenting.[/quote]

Ha...not a teacher...sore loser. You are the good Samaritan coming to the aid of the overpaid and lefty teacher. Ohhhh nice.....I get it...your Bernie Sanders. Go trim your eyebrows and put your teeth in. Its dinner

Hahahaha, thanks cole head. I’ll remember that Monday when junior comes to class and in April when we start up! Say hi to the girls on the pole! Hahahahaha, jealous clown!