Originally Posted by Anonymous
You are reading into something that isn't there. Nobody is wishing this team ill or wishing failure upon a hard working crew. Not sure where you got that from but its not the case.

Really? Look back on threads...lots of & hating going on:( [/quote]

The only reason that anybody would not root for the Turtles is if they were arrogant and classless winners - which from everything I've heard and seen from a distance is definately not the case. This is a very humble, classy group of kids that knows how to win in a way that respects their opponents and more importantly spirit of the game. And that comes right from the top with classy leadership that has developed a model that should be emulated by everybody. First class all the way. [/quote]

In the 70's SNL had a skit called "the Bizarro Planet" where everything is opposite. This last post seems right off of the script.