Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Do people despise this club so much because they are so miserable where they are and the TE kids/parents actually seem happy?

NOT happy at all. Thankfully our summer with Elevate is over! We will be moving on next year. My daughter played on a Blue Team and things could not have been worse. She had a lot of playing time but the kids are just not very good. I know it is their top team but they were scraping the barrel to get just decent kids on that team. My daughter needs to be with a better club next year especially with recruiting coming up. DK and VK are of NO help! I also see where many of the kids on this club end up and most (NOT all) but many of those schools are not for my daughter. She does very well on and off the field. We were promised a lot when we joined this club none of which lived up to our expectations. We will be going to TG, YJ and Liberty tryouts and I know we will have much more success there. Just be careful if you join Elevate. There are a lot of smoke and mirrors which wont take you long to see through.

What age group?