Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The bottom line, after over 20 years of experience with college recruiting is that, no downside exists for reclassing. It is a massive advantage. No downside. None at all. If the kid is good then reclass and he will be great.
Colleges like the older player because they are more mature and weightroom ready.
It my be unfair but not a rule violation so go ahead and do it. You have nothing to lose.

Other neighbors send their kids to prep schools to gain an advantage. I do not see the need to shell out $50K for prep when they can do 5th or 8th grade twice for substantially less.

I have four kids, reclassed one and will reclass the others at some point. The benefits also exist in the classroom with higher intellectual capacity and maturity.

A refreshingly honest post, and that's coming from someone who's staunchly against the practice.

What part of the country are you in?

I see the guy as just another POS cheater whose kids will still be mediocre no matter how many times they TRY to get an unfair advantage. Maybe if they're lucky one day they will be asked to play for FCA....only to take a beat down by on age kids....in the end what will you have accomplished? That you are a weasel that becomes roadkill. Me, I'd rather teach my kids to overcome adversity by competing hard with morals and class, more important attributes in the grand scheme.

He may be those things to you....But unfortunately it works.. The UA games and tryouts are loaded with over age kids for their grade.
The better teams are loaded with holdbacks and older on age kids ..

Even tho puberty kicks in and evens it out with many. There will always be an advantage to be older than younger. There is a reason college Football red-shirts freshman ( among many other reasons) but even after puberty for boys there is some advantage to being older.. At around 22-25 that is when there is zero effect..

I think it is a completely sour note on lacrosse for the amount of kids being older for grade. The truth is , it will only get more and more as it works..