Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I just shared a sideline with another loony parent this weekend. His daughter "committed" to a D2 school with a $50k price tag, only 1500 kids AND you only need about an 800 2 part SAT. Our HS is more challenging than this top notch institution but hey, she's committed

maybe she's getting half scholly & she's an average student who seeks a small school. The world needs ditch diggers and office managers

The world needs Ivy grads too.
I need my Ivy educated dentist to clean my choppers, and I need my Ivy educated Dr. to look up my arse once a year too... When he's finished, I get in my 6 figure $ car and my homemaker wife drives me back to my million dollar home. I then pack a cooler and we head down to my boat. On the way, I stop at my computer to donate to the D2 school I graduated from. When sitting out on the water, I think to myself, jeez if I had only gone to a better school... Maybe I could have gotten somewhere in life..... Then I just laugh and make the Mrs. a nice drink. Keep this mind, having the ability to reproduce drivel from a radical leftist professor will get you A's. It takes so much more to get somewhere in life. I'd hire that D2 kid over a Ivy left wing nut ball any day. Have you looked into what they "teach" at those schools lately? Most likely you haven't.

Interesting point of view. I see where you are coming from. What's even funnier is that most doctors and dentists I'm seeing didn't even go to undergrad in this country but went to med school here from one of the big state schools. As far as the "Ivy connections" are concerned - that's there - if you stay on this side of the country. From my experiences out on the left coast and Silicon Valley in particular - they could care less where you graduated from. In fact half the "geniuses" I had the pleasure of meeting did not even finish college.