Originally Posted by Anonymous
Hey Shakespeare, comprehend this you snotty little loser, tell your husband to dust off the mitt and bat and get your boy into something more his speed. Let go, it is over, come on, you can do it, I promise.

. OMG is that the best you have? Pathetic. Can't tell if you are male or female but either way, still pathetic. Must be a Crabs sh*thead for sure. Come on admit it, it isn't hard to tell the truth, come on, try hard, you can do it little one. [/quote]

Show your husband the things you write on hear! [/quote]

Hey numb nuts the word is HERE not HEAR. Crabs supporters can't even use correct English.
Now, do you really know what your wife does all day at home when you are working on the road crew holding the stop and go sign? Just think about it, what is she up to. At least with your job you have a 50% chance to get it right. Let's not forget, crabs are no more that a STD, "pubic lice". Go look it up. You may have some of the symptoms.