My daughter has played for the 2015 Purple team for the last two years . last year I believe Seven girls were invited back to play from last season out of the 24 roster spots. One girl moved up to black and 16 didnt return. i may be off by one or two sorry wasn't studying the rosters. i also belive in year two we picked up another 2 players that were moved down from Black. that second year team went from playing very close games in the summer of 2011 yet never making a playoff round... this past season they were in every game played and went to the finals in one tournament and lost by a goal to a team that ruffed them up badly in one of the earlier tourmnaments. Turnover happens as the teams grow and the tryouts get more competetive as the teams evolve. I know that the Smith Family has stated their goal is to have two A teams in all age groups . I did notice that a few new girls are on Purple Roster and the girls that are not there were very good players and will be missed. So to answer your question as the teams get older the black teams seams to get tweeked here and there and the purple team ( in my daughters age group 2015) has had significant turnover with I think only 5 or 6 of the original rostered players from 2011 are still on the team!
jim lang