Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
more reason to let some seniors go and bring up the outstanding group of sophomores. especially on d and goal.

Yup, because why would you want to have a senior have a special moment that would live on with him forever when you could bring up an underclassmen to take the spot. Just remember that when your son is a senior and a sophomore takes his spot, it's all about the win, not the experience of playing a sport in HS.

Either way you get to keep the helmet?

Either way, you get to keep the helmet??

Oh Yes for sure... You can keep the helmet only with the agreement that it is placed in a prominent place inside the home and that public schools serfs must bow to it when they see it. In some cases alumni have their girlfriends/wives also bow when preparing meals for the King of the house.

YES! And sometimes the meals are served INSIDE the helmet.