Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]No long island team has come close to beating yj 22 a team

They haven't played TG 22 yet

Go back and look at just about every year the young TG parents bump out their chests and declare they are going to be the TG team that finally takes the title of best team in the age group on LI and can hold onto it for more than 1 season when the players are still wearing diapers. Then the recruiting years come around and they get beat up a few times by YJ and what ifs come out, "what if we all stated together", "what if we had better coaching" etc. The answer to your what ifs is you still would have lost to YJ , its just the way it is.

What if you weren't such an [lacrosse]? Or is that just the way it is?

Truth hurts, you and your TG pals like coming onto the YJ thread to post your nonsense but when the facts are put out there you act like a chump.Good luck at Hofstra, at least you TG people have gotten over the days when you would say how SS was going to get that program turned around or try to compare it to USB .

Only thing is it's your truth. YJ is having problems with their young teams. It's a fact. Other LI teams are as good or better. Happened on the boys side with Express, now is happening on the girls side. The talent is lacking, check the scores of the Maryland tournaments when some teams couldn't win a game. And I'm talking A team. YJ just not what it used to be!

Who's USB?