Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Please stop feeding the narrative that Crabs is some elite team/program. Their owner never played the game and his coaching and behavior on sideline are suspect at best. They were good when there was no competition - those days are over. It shouldn't surprise anyone that there is little demand for their snake oil. Hmm... play for Kelly, Hogan, Million or play for a morbidly obese loud mouth. Easy decision.
You got to come up with something better than that. Mike Daly played zero lacrosse. Look what he did at Tufts. Now Brown? Their putting kids in school, and yes they have a ton of holdbacks that really only matters in 7th,8th, grade. Kids catch up by then.

Actually the holdbacks will still benefit the teams of FCA, Looneys and Crabs through high school. Many kids do not reach their full size through a growth spurt until late high school. Only reason it does not matter when playing for your high school is that many of these kids will play varsity so they will play older kids willingly - and not all the the varsity teams have all players who hit their full size yet. It makes a difference in club still because these teams FCA, Looneys and Crabs have created full teams of holdbacks who play against predominantly younger stronger teams.

Can't put Looney's in the same group with Crabs and FCA. Looney's has about four holdbacks, all just one year older, and they have no double holdbacks. Crabs, on the other hand, this past spring/summer, their 2020 team was made up of mostly all holdbacks with a few double holdbacks. What they will look like this fall remains to be seen as many of their holdbacks/double holdbacks seems to be moving to FCA.
If that is the case, FCA will now take the lead in the number of holdbacks/double holdbacks and will most likely have to change their name to Fellowship of Cheating Athletes, which will be more befitting their 2020 team. If you think this is a Christian organization you will be totally wrong.

I missed the commandment that said Thou Shall Not Hold Thy Child Back. Not sure what it has to do with being a Christian organization

Then you are just too dense to figure it out. Guess we should feel sorry for you, but no one does.