Originally Posted by Anonymous

The 1st problem with the 2015 Blue is they have 2 or 3 girls that play to run over and intimidate the opposing players.
# 2 is that the two coaches seem to ignore the chippy play because it works. The way it will stop it is when an opposing player targets one of the coaches kids or just retaliates and trust me it will end. Kind of surprised it hasn't happened yet.

This is the problem. People will actually beleive the BS being posted on here and tell their kids to "Target" another child. It was only a matter of time until someone wrote something this dumb! Exactly why you shouldn't have discussions regarding 14 year old girls in a forum like this. Real productive! Great solution buddy! You should be proud of yourself! and the YJ are thugs! comical [/quote]

I think we have pretty much established as fact that there are issues with the 2015 Blue LM team. The injuries attributed to that team, and only that team amongst all the 2015 teams on the east coast, stand as pretty strong evidence IMNSHO.

I'm going to split hairs and assert that the first poster referenced above did not advocate targeting the girls but stated that perhaps that would be the only thing to stop the cheap shots. I certainly hope no one targets anyone, including YJ's targeting the opposing team when they possess the ball.

It is wrong that the whole YJ club is getting tarred with the same brush as 2015 Blue LM, but I think if that particular team actually addressed what has been going on, or if the YJ org actually addressed it, if anyone actually OWNED the problem, then people would simmer down. Instead we hear a lot of denials and chest-beating from the YJ parents about how we're all just jealous haters. We are not, we are just parents who don't want our kids getting hurt by a team that operates outside the rules of good play.

It has been my experience that no one ever wants to play 2015 Blue LM, not "because they're unbeatable" but because the likelihood of injury is so great. That goes across club lines and outside of LI teams. No other team has that reputation of bringing the hurt. No other team has engendered so much antipathy. People want it addressed and ended. I believe US Lacrosse has been called on to address it, hence the tight calls at the U15 Nationals.