Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
You must be an FCA parent. Hope your last name is Kelly or you write 100k checks to FCA. If not your kid may not get any playing time

Nope, completely wrong, not FCA. Funny how Crabs parents are so quick to push back and try and downgrade another program when they know they involved with the cesspool of youth grade base lacrosse.

Must be Looney's then.... Must feel great to have your kid play on a bar team... I hear they may change their name to chicos bail bonds

Yeah what complete losers! Trying to grow the game at a community grassroots level. I really wish community establishments would get out of youth sports so they can all be run as for profit industries. That would be so much better. You know everything is better when it involves a bottom line with youth sports.

You get my sarcasm? Would rather play on Chico's team that has some integrity.

Looney's? Integrity? Hahahaha. Yes, I do get your sarcasm!

I'm not associated with Looney's but that team has so much more integrity than Crabs ever will. Just look at the person who founded Crabs and runs their for profit part of the program. There is where his interest is focused. That and the holdback scam that he runs, you know, older and bigger kids are always going to make him look like a great coach, which he isn't.
Just watch old Ryan at a game, his lacrosse IQ is very low.
As for bar teams, Looney's, Green Turtle, Koopers, they all have so much more integrity than
Crabs or their leader ever will. And it appears that the parents fall right into the same category. You need to reach down and pull your head out to see what is really going on.

See that's the funny part..He makes no money from his teams...Where he does make his money is from his tournaments..No different than Hawks or Madlax...Get you facts straight. Looney's