Originally Posted by Anonymous
...and the 2018 team made the finals...listen we all know the YJ organization is the best on LI, no argument here. They have been well established for a long time and a great program. So why are you always on here bashing TG. I assume you are a YJ so you should be happy. If you left TG you obviously made a great move...stop looking in the rear view mirror.

I have the National Draw 2013 booklet that lists all the teams rosters and in the three 'off seasons' since that time (fall of 2013-15) TG 2018 Black has 9 different girls on the roster and 5 of them left after 2013. They filled in with a couple of girls from purple and the rest came from outside of the org. Is that really that bad?
Where TG is hurting is the purple/white teams in each div whereas the YJ second teams in each age are usually pretty good.